Book Buddies Story-time

Book Buddies Story-time 

In an effort to connect with families while safely social distancing, we have decided to create an online story-time series. Each Thursday at 10 a.m. we will share our weekly story-time video with an activity sheet you can try out at home! For more information, contact our Literacy Coordinator, Peyton Goins, at 704.380.3877 or [email protected].

Read more below about our Book Buddies Zoom series "Goodnight Buddies". 
Welcome to our new story-time series: Goodnight Buddies! Hosted every Monday night at 8 p.m., Goodnight Buddies is our weekly Story-time via Zoom. This will allow you and your child to attend a virtual story-time with our Literacy Coordinator, Peyton Goins, as she reads a new book each week and provides activities for you to try as you follow along! Enjoy this free family fun - click here to join the Zoom call.
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