Our Training Calendar/Newsletter is emailed monthly to Iredell County child care providers. Registration for all trainings should be completed online. Please use the links below to view our training calendar, register and pay for trainings. For questions about trainings, please contact Stephanie Clark, Director of Child Care Solutions/Region 9 CCR&R, at980.759.1517or sclark@icpyc.org. Please review our Training Policies below.
Registration should be completed online. All registrants must have an individual email address.
Each registrant will receive an email containing a Zoom link 24 to 48 hours before the online training. This link should not be shared with others. Individuals that are not registered will not be allowed to join online trainings. Download Zoom at https://zoom.us/download.
If more than 1 person will be using the same device for a training, prior approval is required.
Registrants should log onto the training at least 10 minutes before the online training begins.
Trainings should not be attended while working in the classroom, taking attention away from supervising young children. Teacher/Child ratio in the classroom should be maintained at all times.
If it is determined that participants are unable to fully participate in the training or become disruptive, participants will be removed from the training and will not receive credit.
Participants are required to participate in discussions and activities during the training. You must have the capability to use a web camera, mute/unmute, and use the chat box throughout the training.
Participants must leave web camera on throughout the training.
To receive credit hours, participants must attend the entire training and complete all necessary surveys. Training certificates will be emailed 24 to 48 hours following the training and CEU certificates will be mailed 4 to 6 weeks following the training.
Trainings should not be recorded and shown to other staff members at a later date.
All trainings will begin on time and no refunds or credits will be given without 24-hour notice of cancellation.
In-Person Training Policies
The above policies, that apply, should be followed for in-person trainings.
Guests are not allowed to attend trainings with individuals registered to attend in-person trainings.
To enter the building, please use the second set of doors that have the Child Care Resource and Referral signage above the entrance. (Wheelchair ramp with brown railing leads up to entrance).
The doors of the building will be locked 15 minutes after the scheduled start of all evening and Saturday trainings. Participants who arrive more than 15 minutes late for any training are ineligible to receive training credit.
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