What is NC Pre-K?
The NC Pre-K program is a state funded program designed to increase school readiness for 4-year-old children by
providing high quality educational experiences. The program follows the school system schedule for closings and
teacher workdays.
What are the criteria for my child entering the NC Pre-K program?
There are two main criteria for acceptance into the NC Pre-K program. Primarily, the child must turn 4 by August 31, 2025. Second, the family must be income eligible. Eligibility is determined and evaluated based on each family’s unique situation. All families are encouraged to apply regardless of employment status. Income guidelines are listed below.
• Family of 2 - $56,372
• Family of 3 - $69,636
• Family of 4 - $82,900
• Family of 5 - $96,164
• Family of 6 - $109,428
• Family of 7 - $111,915
• Family of 8 - $114,402
• Family of 9 - $116,889
• Family of 10 - $119,376
Do I qualify if my child has Medicaid or receives food stamps?
The guidelines for income eligibility are specific to NC Pre-K and may differ from other programs. Receiving public assistance does not necessarily guarantee eligibility, but is an eligibility factor and will be reviewed with proper documentation.
Is there a cost to attend NC Pre-K?
There is no fee for anything during the 6 ½ NC Pre-K day. The centers may charge additional fees for before and after school care. If the center offers transportation, the center may charge a fee for transportation.
How do I apply for NC Pre-K?
An application can be downloaded from our website www.iredellsmartstart.org or picked up at our Statesville office (734 Salisbury Road, Statesville NC 28677).
How do I turn in my application?
You can mail, email, or hand deliver the application and supporting documentation to the Iredell County Partnership for Young Children using the contact information provided on the previous page. During the application process we only contact families if additional information is needed.
What if I want to choose a certain location for my child?
Families may list first, second, and third classroom location preferences for their child on the application, however, these requests are not guaranteed. Placement is based on need and other qualifying factors.
How will I know if my child has been accepted?
Initial placements will be made based on applications received by May 30, 2025. Applications received after this date will be processed on a rolling basis and placed in the program as availability allows. Accepted children and families will be notified beginning in late July by the Iredell County Partnership for Young Children. Teachers will contact families in August to schedule orientation. NC Pre-K classrooms typically open a week after public school resumes.
What if I have more questions?
You may call Viviana Dorantes at 704-838-1273 or 704-878-9980, or email
[email protected].