Child Health

Child Health
Healthy behavior patterns established early in life often lead to lifelong benefits and decreased probability of serious disease later in life. Smart Start strives to improve outcomes for children by working with medical providers, health departments, families, and communities to improve the health and safety for young children, prevent childhood obesity, and ensure that more children are screened for developmental delays and 
referred to services for help long before they start school. 
This focus on instilling healthy habits early and working to change the environments that children spend a significant amount of time in means:  local Child Care Health Consultants are able to help child care centers develop individualized health care plans and educate the staff and parents regarding those plans.

(Smart Start Annual Report 2016-2017)
The Iredell County Partnership for Young Children offers the following programs to support the healthy development of children:
-Child Care Health Consultant
-Iredell Safe Seats
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